The Quaternary Association of Iran was established in 2010 by recommendation of Professor Allen Chivas the president of the International Union for Quaternary research. Formerly the Quaternary sciences were established in the Quaternary group of Geological Research Center of Iran.
The Association began its official activities after the approval of the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research & Technology in 2011.The first general assembly took place in 2012 to elect a board of directors for three years.
Since then, the Quaternary Association has held several workshops, training courses, and national conferences, beside signing agreements with scientific and administrative organizations & consult national and international projects in all relevant fields of Quaternary Sciences.
The Quaternary Association of Iran has been ranked A among scientific associations in Iran.
The national goals of the association consist of :
Clarifying the role of Quaternary Association in macro decision making
Executive joint scientific & cultural research projects with experts whose fields of study are relevant to Quaternary sciences
Rising public awareness of the Quaternary science by utilizing public media
Teaching the Principles of Quaternary sciences to high school students through workshops
Cooperation with executive, scientific & research institutions for evaluation, review & implementation of the plans and programs within the educational and research scope of the association
Setting up masters and Ph.D degrees in the leading universities of the country
Encouraging researchers & students to contribute in the field of Quaternary science
Honoring the superior researchers
Offering educational, research & technical services
Organizing national & international scientific congresses
Publishing scientific articles and books
The Quaternary Association of Iran also strives for the following international goals:
Integrating the Quaternary Association of Iran in international assemblies and societies
Executing joint scientific & cultural research projects with relevance for the Quaternary sciences
Cooperation with the international research organizations in areas relevant to the scope of IRQUA
Assisting foreign students & researchers to participate in studies related to the Quaternary of Iran
Offering international conferences and workshops
Publishing scientific results in English
